Dynamic & Postural Reflex Integration

Introductory Level B

Course Description

The Dynamic & Postural Reflex Integration course provides the foundation for professionals and parents to understand the importance of primary motor reflex pattern maturation, why a reflex might not be integrated, the impact a non-integrated reflex can have, and the MNRI techniques designed to assess and integrate reflexes. Primary motor reflex patterns emerge along a predictable developmental continuum, with each successive reflex emerging to secure a child’s survival and protection as his system matures and advances. When adequately engaged, each reflex anchors neurologically more deeply a physiological, emotional and psychological sense of security, freeing an infant to focus on exploring, learning, and fully advancing through all stages of primary motor reflex maturation.


Monday, Sept. 9 – Tuesday, Sept. 10 


ChildServe – Johnston | 5406 Merle Hay Road Johnston, IA 50131

  Fees: $800

It is through this complete integration process that primary motor reflex patterns form the foundation for related motor reflex schemes (sitting up, crawling, walking, etc) to mature and for each of us to reach our full potential over time, anchoring emotional and behavioral regulation, and advancing motor, communication, and cognitive learning. Congenital disorders or traumatic events that occur in utero, at birth, or anytime after birth can interrupt the activation, maturation and integration of a primary motor reflex pattern. Depending upon the number of reflexes impacted and the maturational deficits of each impacted reflex, a broad spectrum of life challenges can occur.

At the completion of this training, participants will be able to…

  • Complete seven Head Control Exercises with proficient handling skills.
  • Execute nine Trunk Control Exercises with proficient handling skills.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the nine Standing Balance Exercises with accurate handling skills.
  • Complete 10 Walking Exercises with proficient handling skills.
  • Assess, evaluate and correctly choose and apply the appropriate exercise for each child in a given situation.
  • Complete a practicum treatment with one child of choice including treatment plan and progressions.
Jake Kreindler, PT
Jake Kreindler, PT

Jake Kreindler graduated from Touro College’s Physical Therapy Master’s Program in September 1997. Since then, Jake has taken numerous continuing education courses including NDT, Therapeutic Taping, Sensory Processing and Integration, Treatment of the Hypotonic Child, TAMO, and Cuevas MEDEK Exercises, Level III Specialist, to name a few. In addition, Jake has training in Aquatic Therapy and has integrated this modality into his practice in the summer months for special needs children in New York. Besides his work with early intervention, preschool, and school-aged populations, Jake has traveled around the US and the world, performing therapy intensives for children with limited access to specialized therapies. Jake has an office in Valley Stream, NY where he works with clients and hosts therapy intensives. Jake is committed to training and teaching new therapists and practitioners to help spread vital skills and hope to children and families around the world.


ChildServe improves the health and well-being of 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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